
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Inglot palette

So my friend came over for a bit of a girly day the other day and she brought along her new toy….

An Inglot mix and match pallete!

The minute she took it out of her bag, I was instantly jealous. It had beautiful shades of browns and burnt coppers. However it also included a subtle pink, white and murky purple. She was helped by the kind staff of Inglot to pick out these colours to suit her skin tone. She has a striking olive skin tone which means she can pretty much experiment with a wide variety of colours and shades.

The palette costs €55 and it contains ten different eye shadows, which you can pick at random if you wish. The quality of the eye shadows blew me away! The texture of each shadow is soft and powdery making them easy to blend. You do not need to waste your time hacking away at these shadows as they come off onto the brush with ease, his means the shadow will last for longer as you do not have to scrape and damage it when using a brush to apply onto the lid.

In my personal opinion, I think €55 is a great price for this palette. That works out at a mere €5.50 for each shadow. The shadows do not disappoint in size or application quality!

It was a great purchase and to be honest has left me feeling quite jealous!

Has anyone tried any Inglot eyeshadows? What did you think?


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