
Monday, January 30, 2012

Another Sleek product

Yes, it's another Sleek product This time its for the lips
A lip product called pout paint has been around for a couple of months now. I was dying to get my hands on a good quality purple/pink lipstick in exactly this shade. When they come in the post, which I may also add is extremely prompt, you may be surprised that they seem quite small. The puzzled look was wiped off my face as soon as I sampled them for myself. A tiny bit of product spreads so far and the pigment is unreal! Here's a look at the purple/pink!
I lined the lips with an Inglot soft precision lip liner in shade 67 and applied the pout paint in the shade Mauve over to my lips. The other shade I bought is called Lava. It's vibrant orange colour and its fantastic! So as you can imagine i'm singing Sleek's praises at the moment ! Have you tried any of their products?? X


  1. i love pretty much all of sleeks products there not really a well known brand compared to the rest but there surely making a great name for themselves. loving there new lip products.

    following you sweety

    if you have time please check out my blog and let me know what you think, maybe follow back, hope your having a great weekend

  2. Sleek can do no wrong!
    Following you too
